Source: Stadt Dortmund/Roland Gorecki

GDPR Information on "Microservices 2019 Hackathon: Pre-registration"

Dear Sir or Madam,

As laid down in Article 13 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) we want to obtain your consent regarding the storage and processing of your data in the following procedure:

  • Procedure: Microservices 2019 Hackathon: Pre-registration
  • Description of the procedure: During the Microservices 2019 conference there will be a hackathon the day after the conference (February 22th, 2019). Interested parties may participate in this event. However, because the number of participants is limited, interested parties need to register in advance. Otherwise, the planning of rooms, equipment, food etc. will be aggravated.
  • Contact data processing site:
    • Mr. Florian Rademacher
    • Otto-Hahn-Str. 23
    • 44227 Dortmund
    • +49 231 9112-9560
    • microservices at fh minus dortmund dot de
  • Affected persons: Students, Employees, external persons (generally, every interested party can participate in the hackathon)
  • Stored and processed data: First name, last name, e-mail, institution, occupation, message.
  • Profiling: None.
  • Legal basis: Consent to Article 6 Subparagraph 1 a), Article 7 GDPR
  • Storage period: Until February 25th, 2019.
  • Data protection officer:
    • Dr. Thilo Groll
    • University of Applied Sciences and Arts Dortmund
    • Sonnenstrasse 96
    • 44139 Dortmund
    • datenschutz at fh minus dortmund dot de
  • Regulators regarding data protection laws:
    • Landesbeauftragte für Datenschutz und Informationsfreiheit Nordrhein-Westfalen
    • PO Box 20 04 44
    • 40102 Düsseldorf
    • poststelle at ldi dot nrw dot de

You may object the data processing. We will then check the legitimacy, and would need to stop the data processing and delete the data, in case the objections are legit. Moreover, you have further rights you may argue against University of Applied Sciences and Arts Dortmund: - Right to correction and completion. - Right to data portability, i.e., we will provide you your data in a suitable format. - Right to deletion, in case the stored data are not necessary anymore for the stated purpose; in case of revocation of a consent (in case the data were not stored by observing statutory provisions); in case an eligible objection was entered; in case the data were illegitimately stored; or in case the deletion is mandatory based on legal obligations.

Please contact the sites mentioned above, if you have questions regarding the data processing and the stored data. In case that any of the data were changed or are incorrect for whatever reason, please also contact us. You may contact the data protection officer of the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Dortmund for any objections or complaints. The senior complaints office is the “Landesbeauftragte für Datenschutz” (see above).