Source: Stadt Dortmund/Roland Gorecki

Microservices 2019 Slack channel

Slack is a proprietary, cloud-based tool to collaborate, chat, and share files.

Microservices 2019 provides a Slack channel to its attendees. All attendees are invited to join the channel to continue their discussions started at the conference and share their ideas with the community around it.

Microservices 2019 Slack Privacy Statement

This privacy statement is relevant only to participants of Microservices 2019, who are not employed by the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Dortmund. If you are an employee of the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Dortmund, please instead read the GDPR information regarding the usage of Slack during Microservices 2019.

Slack’s own GDPR information are available at

Please read the disclaimer below before registering to the Microservices 2019 Slack workspace.

The Slack workspace is a completely free and optional offer by the conference organisers. Your registration for the Slack workspace happens on a voluntary basis and you do not need to register in order to participate the event or contact the organisers. If you want to contact the organisers and do not want to use Slack for that purpose, please use the contact form on the conference website.

Because the registration for the Microservices 2019 Slack workspace happens on a voluntary basis, the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Dortmund does not occur as a contracting party in the Slack registration. Instead, a contract regarding the processing of your data is concluded between you and Slack Technologies, Inc. The University of Applied Sciences and Arts Dortmund does not store or process any of the data you provide to Slack during the registration for the service or its usage.

In case you provide any personal data to a person of the conference staff via Slack, we will reject your inquiry and remind you to use the contact form to provide personal data to us, if necessary. That is, because the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Dortmund does not occur as a contracting party in the data processing. The data processing contract is concluded between you and Slack Technologies, Inc. only.